WARNING: When you make the statement "You know, I really don't want to buy a house. I'm happy renting," this phrase may cause some folks to spit out their beverage or look at you at you like you just said you want to have sex with George Bush (Pick either one...they're both rankly disugsting!). It's about as bad as people asking why I don't have a kid, and when I tell them I don't want to, they go into a litany of more questions, trying to pick apart my reasons and convince me that, in fact, I DO or SHOULD want to have a kid. Er, no thanks. Having a kid would be about as welcome as pushing a porcupine through my cervix, and I ain't about to go there. Thank you, Dr. Presthus for giving me Essure!! It's all about CHOICE. In this lifetime, we are afforded the gracious opportunity to CHOOSE how we life our lives. We get to choose the type of college we want to attend, in which occupation we want to work, whether or not we have kids, marry, buy a house, car, cat, dog, fish, etc. Yet, some people act like certain decisions are more requirements than choices, i.e., buying a house or having kids.
I have rented all of my adult life, and I have no problem with it. Yes, there were times when I thought I would buy a house in the future because I thought that that was what I was supposed to do; however, after my husband and I moved out of our apartment (THANK YOU, LORD!) and found the one-bedroom bungalow where we now live, we decided, "Hell, let's just stay here for the duration!" We will never have to worry about needing more space than we already have. We're the caretakers of our little bungalow, and because of this, our rent is fixed at a decent price and will never go up. There's also the possibility that, should the owners wish to sell the bungalow, we would get first dibs at trying to purchase it. That would be the only way we buy property at all. Even if it never happens, it wouldn't bother us. Why this bothers other people, just like our choice to be childfree, I WILL NEVER KNOW.
The prompting for this entry today is that I went onto a message board and posted that I am not interested in buying a house ever, and I'm cool with renting our bungalow, and I got all kinds of crazy remarks such as "You're not serious about being a lifetime renter, are you?" or "What about when you get old?" (Um, when I get old, I'll probably retire and move to Florida!) or that I wasn't financially savvy or "on top of my game." I was like, "WTF?" One person posted that she rents an apartment now and loves it, but I was the main target of most people's anger and non-understanding of my decision. I made one last quick reply, then stepped out. I posted this same message on EZCF; however, and received encouraging remarks, as well as finding other people who felt the same way I did. It seems that most people who follow the Life Script ™ seem to judge those who don't quicker than a tornado blowing through a small town in Kansas, and those who live their lives outside the box seem to undertstand exactly what's up.
At any rate, NO, I ain't birthin' babies, and NO, I ain' t buying a house (with the exception of what i stated above about buying the bungalow from the current owners). I just gotta say I LOVE YOU FOLKS AT EZCF! :)
I don't see what skin it is off of anyone else's ass as to what you and your DH do with your money or your lives. These people who have been bothering you about this need to STFU and get lives of their own. They need to go back to doing what they keep telling us is TMIJITW.
The only thing that matters here is that you and DH are happy with the choices you've made, and that said choices are not causing harm to anyone else.
Some people are in serious need of a good smack upside the head.
You know I completely agree. One person decided to apologize, as I guess this person felt guilty, but I had had it at that point and stopped responding in that particular thread.
I never expected people to go on such a tangent about the whole house thing and question my decision-making abilities or validity of the statement I made. LOL
It's December and I just found your blog, but I'm the same way and get the weirdest looks -- especially since I work in a financial/insurance office. I'm 34. By the time I get a decent job that will allow me to save enough money for a down payment, then pay off a huge mortgage (as even a row home is expensive anymore), I'll be past retirement. I know if I had a house to take care of on my own it would turn into a heap because I'm awful about that stuff. Of course, the apartment I'm currently renting is awful about fixing things, but that's why I will be moving in the next year. It's relatively easy to switch apartments, but a royal pain in the ass to sell and buy a home.
I really don't know why so many people care how we live our lives. Are they that bored?
Hi, mb! :) thanks for stopping by. I see you have a kitty or kitties, too!
I totally understand where you're coming from. Sometimes, people just need to let others make their own decisions about certain things and leave it be.
My friend is with a guy who treats her like crap, and t hough I know she should leave, she won't. I have learned to stop bugging her about it. She will get the hint soon enough.
My husband and I are happy renting our cozy little bungalow, and that's all that matters.
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