Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Bathroom Etiquette

Okay, now I don't know what the hell is wrong with people and why they can't wash their hands after they use a toilet, but it's uncalled for and completely disgusting!!

I was in the bathroom today, and as I came out of the stall to wash my hands, an older woman came out of her stall. You see where this is going, right? Yep, the woman left without letting so much as a drop of soap or water touch her filthy, grimy, piss- and/or shit-covered hands. *HORK!!!* What the hell is wrong!!?!!

So here are some tried and true bathroom etiquette tips that I made up, and while I'm sure the majority of the population already knows this stuff, there are obviously plenty of other folks who act like they don't have any common sense when it comes to bathroom etiquette, so here I go:

1. When entering a bathroom and others are in the stall, politely wait near the door, AWAY from the stall - not in front of the stall, not on the side of it, and for the love all that's good, DON'T FUCKING KNOCK ON THE STALL DOOR AND ASK IF SOMEONE IS IN THERE. If the door is closed and you see some pants rolled down or some shoes sticking out, more than likely, SOMEONE IS IN THERE! And don't let your kids run wild either because they are more than likely to try and enter a stall even when someone else is occupying it, and if the knob is broken or the door cannot be kept shut and they bust in on somebody, they're gonna get an eyeful of something that maybe they shouldn't!

2. When you do acquire a stall, do your business as fast as possible, and please, do not conduct business or conversate with your homies on a cell phone while sitting on the toilet. I DO NOT need to know if the stocks rose or fell today or if you gon' meet up "with the gang" after work for happy hour or the latest celebrity or neighborhood gossip.

3. After you are done using the stall, PLEASE , PLEASE, PLEASE FLUSH THE TOILET and clean the toilet seat if anything is on it! The person who has to use the stall after you doesn't want to see and/or smell whatever the fuck has come out of you!!!! Ladies, if you are on your period and make a mess, CLEAN THAT SHIT UP AND PROPERLY DISPOSE OF PADS AND TAMPONS. Do not leave blood on the seat or in the toilet and MOST IMPORTANTLY, unless Always, Stayfree or Kotex have come out with flushable pads, DO NOT FUCKING TRY TO FLUSH YOUR PAD. Nasty ass bitches.

4. If you ABSOLUTELY need to take a shit, please keep the farting to a minimum, do it as quickly as possible and do regularly execute COURTESY FLUSHES. What I mean is, every time a log falls, FLUSH IT AWAY. If you know you are going to do a #2 beforehand, you might want to have a can of air freshener, some incense or a matchbook handy and bring it with you so you won't funk up the entire bathroom while handling your business.

5. Last, but certainly not least, when you are done using the bathroom, PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, WASH YOUR FUCKING HANDS!!! I cannot stress enough how important this is, and NO, SIMPLY RINSING YOUR HANDS WITH WATER DOES NOT COUNT!! Folks who do not wash their hands after using the bathroom are the assholes who help to spread colds, flu, hepatitis and who knows what the hell else?!

Thank you!

This has been a public service announcement from VLM's World. Please feel free to post additional bathroom etiquette tips that you can think of!



Christine said...

If it is a single-person bathroom, with a regular door, it is acceptable to try to turn the knob ONCE. If said knob does not turn, that means the bathoom is occupied. If you hear a voice from within, that indicates occupancy as well. Do NOT keep rattling at the doorknob forever, or knocking every three seonds. This will NOT make the occupant finish up faster. In fact, this pisses me off so much that I will take longer on purpose when people do this.

Just wait quietly outside the damned door until the occupant comes out. How hard is that?

Also, do NOT hog the area in front of the sinks if you are NOT washing your hands. Yes, you should wash your hands, but when you are done, you should move off to the side to do things like put on makeup and comb hair. Other people need to wash hands, too, so don't block access to the sinks!

Here's a disgusto story about non-hand-washing: my husband was at work, and he went to the men's room to take a leak. There was a guy next to him who was peeing, as well, and when he was done, he zipped up his fly and left...WITHOUT washing his hands!

Later that day, hubby got called into a meeting. And who was he introduced to but Mr. Pissy-hands...he was representing one of the company's biggest customers. Hubby had no choice but to shake hands with the guy when his hand was extended. In a business situation like this, it is hard to say anything and still remain employed.

As soon as the meeting was over, hubby went straight to the men's room and scrubbed his hands for a good long time, with a ton of soap, and water as hot as he could stand.

He was so grossed out by this, and I would have been, too. What the fuck is the matter with some people?

VLP said...

Thanks, Christine for the additional Bathroom Etiquette tip. I forgot about those single stall bathrooms. :)

Sorry that your hubby had to endure that. Eww....I don't know if I would have shaken his hand. I'd have to fake it or something! *HORK!!!!*

Anonymous said...

How about this one:When going to your dorm bathroom to shower it is appropiate to cleanse thy self, but do NOT poop in the shower and leave it for another to see and yet another to clean, mainly you RA. That is not her job.