Thursday, September 08, 2005

Kanye -Schmayne - Who Gives a Damn?

If I read another message or if another person asks me, "Did you hear what KAYNE said?", I think I will scream!! I don't give a damn about what he said, and furthermore, what he said wasn't deep, enlightening or awe-inspiring. He just said his opinion about Bush, and all of a sudden, he's the new Black American Hero. Folks are all over it. I think the only reason this is so is because he's a popular black celebrity. Hell, even if 50-Cent said it, he probably would be deemed deep, too. I don't see or understand what the big deal is. Bush not caring about black people is nothing new. The government not coming to the aid of black folks is also not new. Michael Moore punks down the government every day, and more people hate on him and give him less props that they are giving Kanye West now.

I do feel bad about what happened regarding those who survived or didn't survive the hurricane, but I personally would like a break from hearing about either what he said or Hurricane Katrina, but the only way by cutting myself off completely from the media. Maybe I need to do that. Then, I wouldn't have to hear about Kanye and his oh-so wonderful speech again.

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