Just after most New Orleans was washed away from Hurricane Katrina, another hurricane looms on the horizon, this time not only threatening to do more damage to New Orleans, but also affecting cities in Texas. Good grief on a corn dog stick!! I feel like this insane weather pattern is never going to end. I wouldn't be surprised to hear if there was a report that another tropical storm had turned into a hurricane in the near future...which I hope doesn't happen, but who knew that Hurricane Rita was going to happen?
Then, last night, all hell broke loose in Minnesota with tornadoes popping up in various cities and severe thunderstorms washing over others. Heavy winds, bigger than golf-ball sized hail, trees down, power outages - definitely one of the worst storms we've had in a while. Hubby and I definitely thought we'd have to get Wizard of Oz up in our place and hide out in the basement, but thankfully, we were able to just hole up in our bedroom with our kitties until the storm blew over. It was so hot during the morning and afternoon, and after hubby and I got home, we were so zapped, we took a nap. After we woke up, though, it was a different story. It got so dark around 6:30 or 7, that it looked like midnight! Glad we made it through and no damage happened in our area.
Unfortunately, north Minneapolis and certain other areas got the brunt of the damage. Some automatic doors that were on a Best Buy store in Brooklyn Center were blown off due to straight-line winds. We are just blessed that we were spared, but you never know what may happen next time. Thanks, God for watching over us and blessing us!
Heard from my other friend, Doris, last evening via e-mail. She is the sistah who bought the other concert ticket from me in North Carolina. She just turned 51 on September 10th, but she looks like she's 30. Beautiful, hightly intelligent, laid-back, really cool sistah. So glad that we were able to meet. I totally forgot her birthday, so I sent her a belated e-card.
That's all for now. If I run into anymore bathroom problems, lI'll update my Bathroom Etiquette entry. :)
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